
Spring is a wonderful time of the year in Hudson. The days get longer, the sun warmer, and the meandering creek that runs through our property becomes an exciting raging torrent. My dad's amazing "elephant ears" begin to grow -- the leaves will reach up to five feet in diameter.

I always think of my favorite part when I was a little girl...

When the weather gets sunny, the temperature above the freezing point in March, Hudson celebrates a favorite Quebecois tradition...

Hudson sugaring off Sugaring Off.

Ever since I was in pre-school we've been going "sugaring off".

We not only do it as field trips in school, we do it with friends and family.

The people who run the numerous cabane-a-sucres make everything as traditional as possible... from the live Quebecois music, to the hardy food.

After lunch, there's everyone's favorite part where you roll your popsicle stick through the maple syrup that's on the snow to create a type of maple syrup lollipop.


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