Our Hudson Home For Sale
Yes, it's true. "That" time has come. Our Hudson Home is for sale.
We have been living in downtown Montreal for several months. We kept making trips back to the only home I've ever known usually to pick up items that we left behind during the move.
It's been weeks since that has happened. My mum and dad left behind things that they really love like
the wicker furniture in the sunroom and the home theater/gym downstair. But they just didn't "work" in our new downtown apartment.
Most of all, we all miss Hudson itself... The clean air, the mallords and muskrat in our creek, the easy hop onto the golf course, the charming village and our dear friends.
I think my dad has put it off as long as possible but as he said...
"It's time for the family to move on."
So, our Hudson home is really for sale.
I know it's "just a house," but it's full of stories & memories.
And I wish the same to the next happy owners.
If you are interested in seeing our home and promise to take good care of it...
Please fill out the form below to reach my dad and make an appointment to tour our home.
